If you are buying or renting a home in Mountainaire, you will need to fill out the Water Service Contract and Security Deposit forms. Please read and fill out the two forms below in their entirety, sign, and date. Please be sure to send a copy of your Driver’s license when you return the forms. This is required for each address, so if you are currently a Mountainaire resident purchasing water at another address that we service, you will need to fill out an additional Water Service Contract for the new location. The $30.00 Establishment Fee will be applied for each location, but the $100.00 Security Deposit will be waived for current customers.
A $100.00 refundable Security deposit plus a $30.00 non-refundable Establishment Fee for new service is required to set up new service at any location within the service area. Your Security Deposit plus 6% interest will be applied to your account after one year. If for some reason you move out before the year is complete, your final bill will be deducted from the deposit and a refund check will be sent to you.
Please email the forms and all required documents to [email protected]
The following is information to share with new customers:
Bills go out at the end of each month. You will either receive an e-bill or a yellow postcard in the US mail, depending on your preference. Payment is due in full on the 15th of each month. If payment is not received by the due date, you will receive a past due notice giving you another 10 days to pay your bill and a shut-off date. A late payment penalty fee of 1.5% of the unpaid monthly balance or $5.00 (which ever is greater) will be applied to all bills that are not received by the due date.
Ponderosa Utility strictly enforces it shut-off policy set forth by the Arizona Corporation Commission. If payment is not received on the shut-off date before 10:00 a.m., your water service will be TURNED OFF. You will then have to pay your delinquent bill and a re-connection fee up to $35.00 before your service will be restored.
Please fill out this required form if you will be renting out your home where the tenant will be setting up their own water service. This form will let us know how to handle the account in between tenants.
The ACH Draft payment plan will debit your checking or savings account on the 13th of each month for the amount due. If the 13th falls on a Saturday, it will be drafted on Friday the 12th. If the 13th falls on a Sunday, then it will be drafted on Monday the 14th.
Please be aware that if the draft payment is returned for insufficient funds, a return payment fee of $25.00 will be added to your account. If this occurs twice, then using the ACH Draft payment plan will no longer be allowed.
If you are building a new home on an empty lot that does not already have a water meter, you will need to contact Ponderosa Utility Corporation at 928-525-6210 to fill out the new meter contract.
If you are having an event that is utilizing water trucks to keep the dust down or need to fill up a large water storage container, please fill in the highlighted sections ONLY of the form below and contact the utility office to arrange installation of the hydrant meter.